In the heart of the Marine Protected Area of Plemmirio
Minareto Seaside Luxury Resort & Villas
Via del Faro Massolivieri, 26
96100 Siracusa SR, Italia
We are in Via del Faro Massolivieri in the Baia di Plemmirio in Siracusa, in South-East Sicily.

- From the Catania-Siracusa highway take the “Siracusa Sud” exit (Please note that the highway sign only says “Siracusa” without adding “South”);
- Take the road for Floridia. Pass the traffic light and keep straight on, along the State Road 124 (SS124, Viale Ermocrate).
- When you get to the roundabout (after about 2 kilometres) take the exit road on the right for the Via Colomba which has a median strip of palms, and on the left you will see McDonalds. At the crossroads keep right for the Via Elorina (on the left you will see a Bingo);
- Pass the Agip and Q8 petrol stations on your right and about 500 metres past the Q8 you will see a crossroads with a small altar with a statue of the Madonna where you should turn left for the Via Lido Sacramento (at the crossroads who will see signs for Minareto and Nesos);
- Keep straight on along the Via Maddalena and the Via del Faro Massolivieri until you come to the Minareto Seaside Luxury Resort & Villas.